Sunday, March 20, 2011

Touring + Local Performances.

We apologize for having to cancel our performance on 3/16 at the last minute. John suffered a mild back injury the day before that rendered him completely incapable of playing. He's in much better health now and hopefully will be able to play drums again for our scheduled make up performance on 3/25 at The Litterbox with Safeword, Freedom Ride, and Dan Sentighty.

We are also going to be touring out to the west coast and back with our good friends Parlor.

The tenative tour dates are:

Sunday, 5/15 - Carbondale, IL
Monday, 5/16 - Chicago, IL
Tuesday, 5/17 - Milwaukee, WI @ Milwaukee Public House w/ Holy Shit!
Wednesday, 5/18 - Minneapolis, MN
Thursday, 5/19 - Minot, ND
Friday, 5/20 - Missoula, MT @ Zacc Gallery w/ City O' City
Saturday, 5/21 - Portland, OR
Sunday, 5/22 - Arcata, OR
Monday, 5/23 - Oakland, CA
Tuesday, 5/24 - San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, 5/25 - Anaheim, CA
Thursday, 5/26 - Tuscon, AZ
Friday, 5/27 - Las Cruces, NM
Saturday, 5/28 - Austin, TX
Sunday, 5/29 - Little Rock, AK @ ACAC Space

If anyone can help with shows in these places, or in towns/cities near them, please get a hold of us. We're looking to travel as far as we possibly can in the 2 weeks we have, and any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

Besides that we have a few local shows approaching:

Friday, 4/22 @ The Hangar 9 
Saturday, 5/7 @  TBA w/ Population 

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